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Prosperity Mindset Program
With Tim Shurr

  • ONLY $77 (Not thousands...)
  • ​Clarify what YOUR BEST LIFE looks like so you can start living a happier, more fulfilling life today!
  • Upgrade your unconscious mind with beliefs that strengthen confidence, focus, drive & inner peace.
  • Eliminate self-doubt and SUPERCHARGE your MOTIVATION and MOMENTUM!
  • ELEVATE your quality of life using these powerful mind-training secrets and make the rest of your life the BEST of your life!

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"Exactly HOW Will This Program 

Improve My Business AND Personal Life?"

Lesson 1: Your Happier Life Begins Now: 

  • Introduction: Your answer begins HERE
  • Free yourself from self-doubt, anxiety: bad habits, procrastination, low self-esteem, traumatic experiences from the past, trouble achieving goals, and more! [Video 1, 27 Second]

Lesson 2: How To Use The Power Of Your Mind To Create Your Life By Design!

  • How to unlock your full potential. [Video 2, Minute 15]
  • How to recognize and eliminate your self-sabotaging beliefs/behaviors so you can be, have, and do what makes you most happy! [Video 2, Minute 23]
  • How to use your brain as a "magic wand" and grant wishes for confidence, health, prosperity, and peace of mind. [Video 2, Minute 30]

Lesson 3: How To Completely Free Yourself From Anxiety, Trauma, and PTSD

  • Why your brain uses anxiety as a form of self-protection and how to develop a better strategy. [Video 3, Minute 1:11]
  • False opinions that create pain and despair are formed and what you can do right now to eliminate them from your life. [Video 3, Minute 6:15]
  • When you upgrade your beliefs (opinions about yourself), it instantly improves your happiness and quality of life. [Video 3, Minute 9:20]

Lesson 4: Using The Awakening To Instantly Upgrade Your Life!

  • Use this simple technique to activate your "Relaxation Response." [Video 4, Minute 2:40]  
  • How to take your pain and channel it into passion and purpose. [Video 4, Minute 3:43]
  • Become YOU 2.0 and show up in the world in a whole new way. [Video 4, Minute 4:47]

Lesson 5: Mind-Training Experience #1 - The Awakening (YOU 2.0)

  • This experience will free you from the past and empower you to start living your BEST life now!

Lesson 6: The Awakening Brief - Enjoying Your Emotional Freedom!

  • Why you'll now be able to fully trust in yourself and your intuition, which will improve your decision-making processes and help you get what you want faster! [Video 6, Minute 2:13]
  • How to create new experiences in your imagination that reinforce positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that are sustainable, which protects you from reverting back to old habits. [Video 6, Minute 4:53]
  • What you can do to rescue yourself rather than waiting for others to do the right thing. [Video 6, Minute 7:48]

Lesson 7: How "The Releasing Experience" Will Free You From The Past!

  • How to release toxic emotions from the injustices, resentments, and grudges that may be poisoning your mind, and life. [Minute 1:39]
  • How to mentally shift from playing not to lose in life, so you can play to win! [Minute 2:45] 
  • Why the power of forgiveness is so misunderstood, and how it will create joy and peace in your life. [Minute 3:15] 

Lesson 8: "Mind-Training" Experience #2 - The Releasing (Your Path To Emotional Freedom!)

  • This experience removes emotional blocks so you can live, love, and more fully experience a richer, more fulfilling quality of life!

Lesson 9: The Releasing Debrief - How To Continue Benefiting From Higher Self-Awareness

  • Why using the power of your Subconscious Mind will move you from scarcity to prosperity mindset. [Minute 1:36]
  • How to spiritually "clean house." [Minute 2:30 ]

Lesson 10: How To Develop Bulletproof Your Own Confidence!

  • Discover how to take obstacles and use them to empower your life! [Minute 1:18]
  • Learn how to activate more confidence, motivation, and security at any moment. [Minute 1:30]

Lesson 11: "Mind-Training" Experience #3 - The Clearing (Resiliency & Total Self Confidence!)

  • This experience gives you a "Confidence Button" that you can activate at any time to feel more calm, resourceful, and in charge of any situation!

Lesson 12: The Clearing Debrief - Living Life To The Fullest

  • Challenges and problems are opportunities for growth and breakthroughs. [25 Seconds]
  • ​Fate whispers to the warrior, "you cannot withstand the storm." and the warrior whispers back, "I am the storm!" [Minute 1:50]
  • How to continue re-directing your thoughts towards desirable outcomes because what you think about, comes about! [Minute 2:47]

Lesson 13: Creating Your Dream Lifestyle...

  • How to continue using your mind power to improve your health, wealth, relationships, and peace of mind. [58 Seconds]
  • ​How to significantly shorten the amount of time it takes for you to get what you want in life. [Minute 2:45]
  • How you can help others end needless emotional suffering and improve the world you inhabit. [Minute 3:05]

BONUS #1 - 'One Belief Away' Workshop with Tim Shurr, MA & Dr. Joe Vitale

  • How to strengthen the voice in your head that lifts you up, and quiet the voice of fear that attempts to hold you back. [Minute 12:26]
  • ​The mindset shift that gives you the "Midas Touch" so you can turn lead into gold. [Minute 20:03]
  • The single most powerful tool you can use to move into a state of abundance is this... [Minute 31:45]

BONUS #2 - 3 Ways To Lower Anxiety & Boost Productivity Workshop with Tim Shurr

  • How to avoid freaking out in uncertain times and consistently lower anxiety. [Minute 8:12]
  • ​How to avoid the 4 most common dysfunctional communication strategies and become a more powerful communicator. [22:13]
  • 3 steps to set yourself free and turn any goal into a reality. [Minute 49:35]

Bonus #3 - 5 'Weird' Stress Busters Busy Professionals Can Use RIGHT NOW!

  • Use these proven stress reducing tools to remain mentally refreshed and laser-focused, so you can attain your goals, while also experiencing great life balance.



"My entire mindset has changed for the better."


"If you want to eliminate fears, this is a must-do!"


"My business has grown after using Tim's program."


"I have now found all the things I've wanted in life."


"I used to be petrified and now I'm not."


"I have conquered my issues with anger."


"Tim will help you overcome any roadblock to success."

Cindy J.

"I used to be petrified and now I'm not."

Celina P.

"I have reached my unreachable goals."


"I have a newfound sense of inner calm and peace."

Mindy W.

"I have a new sense of value, worth, and confidence."


"This is the best gift you'll ever give yourself!"


"10 Years of migraines disappeared in first session."


"I have a new sense of value, worth, and confidence."


"No more anxiety meds..."


"Finally...relief from pain and anxiety."


"Panic attacks vanish after first session. It's MAGIC!"


"No more anxiety meds..."


"I never knew I had anxiety."


"This is the real cure for panic and anxiety."


"Freedom from my abusive past."

Enroll Now and Start Experience Your Awakening Today!

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Copyright 2024, Shurr Success, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

None of the statements on this web site should be construed as dispensing medical advice, making claims regarding the cure of diseases, nor can this program be a substitute for mental health counseling if needed.

All testimonials have been given freely without compensation. Individual results will vary from person to person. This program is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any mental or physical diseases or disorders.
The Prosperity Mindset program is for educational purposes only.